Thursday, 25 March 2010

Kidulthood Questions

Why would this film have found it difficult to get finance from a production company?

The reason that Kidulthood had difficulty getting finance for their film is because it was a low budget film with only two people funding the whole project.Kidulthood only had a budget of £600,000 the funds came from Menhaj Huda and producer friend George Issac.Also they wouldnt of had many copies of the film to distribute around so it would have made it more difficult to make more money and get it in more cinemas.Also the actors are unknown which could would make some companies not go near them because they would want more known people so they can make more money.The film dosent appeal to a wide range of people becuase it is a very teenage based film which only appeals to people who actualy go through the strugle.

Although heavily promoted there was limited distribution of the film, why?

There was limited distribution of the film because the distributors are not well known and considering this is their first time doing it they done very well.Because it was the first time of the company revolver distributing the film it was very dificult because unlike well known distributors they did not have the links that other experienced distributors had.

Why would this film be more successful on DVD than in the cinema?

One of the reasons this film would be sucessful on DVD is because seen as it didnt do very well in the cinema because it wasnt very wide spread across many cinemas but it was a good film more people would buy it on dvd because they could not watch the film in the cinema. Now becuase of all the new technology like home cinema and things like that now people can watch DVD's in their home and have a cinema experience with out spending any money at all.

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